‘Tis the season for giving. Now where do I start?

‘Tis the season for giving, but it can often be hard to know how to help or where to start. Here are a few ideas on how to spread the love beyond your own family.

Donate to a local nonprofit


If your mailbox looks anything like mine this week you know that there are many community based, not for profit organizations around who need our financial support to continue their important work. I am supporting the Loudoun Literacy Council this year and invite you to join me. The Loudoun Literacy Council’s dedicated team of volunteers and staff are committed to improving English literacy skills of at-risk adults, children and families in Loudoun County through ESL course offerings, story times in local homeless shelters, book donations, community events, individual tutoring, and working with the county Head Start program. Each of these offerings affects individuals, and their stories drive me to help the Loudoun Literacy Council in any way I can. Plus, gifts in December 2009 will be doubled up to $10,000 by an anonymous donor and I like the idea of doubling my gift. 🙂

Consider giving “alternative gifts” to the idealists on your list this year

You and your loved ones can create alternative gift registries with help from the folks at a New American Dream. Imagine the impact you can have on a young child by helping them develop an other-centered alternative holiday gift list.

You can shop at one of the local Alternative Gift Fairs which allow you to donate to local nonprofit organizations on behalf of someone on your shopping list. Much better than a lump of coal. 🙂

If you are globally inclined, there is always Heifer International which promises to help you “choose a meaningful gift to give a loved one and help children and families around the world receive training and animal gifts that help them become self-reliant.”

Short on cash? There are still many ways you can help our community!

Donate Blood


The Red Cross is ALWAYS looking for blood donors. This is not a kid-friendly task (you should have seen the looks they gave me when I tried to sneak the kids onto the blood-mobile a few years back!), but could be a nice escape on the weekend if you are not bothered by needles and blood. If you are not eligible, maybe you can babysit for a friend while s/he donates.

Help the Ashburn Volunteer Fire & Rescue Department


By participating in a short fire safety survey between now and December 21, 2009, you can help the Ashburn Volunteer Fire & Rescue Department win a $10,000 grant. I just did this and promise to revisit this post if I start getting oodles of junk mail. Of course, by then it may be too late….

Provide a foster home for a homeless animal


There are many animal rescue organizations here in Northern Virginia that need help from dedicated, experienced animal lovers who are willing to train, socialize and love pets seeking new forever homes. Here are some of your options:

I have not personally fostered for any of these organizations. I recommend contacting an agency to see if it feels like a fit, and seriously considering whether fostering is right for your family before you start. It is a big commitment!

Volunteer to post fliers for a local nonprofit

This is a fun project to involve the kids in as you can traipse through your local community center, post office, gym, and library together and talk about the folks you are helping as you go. But, watch out! You may get so attached to their mission you end up volunteering in other capacities…

Conduct your own community clean up


Look for it and you will find trash, dog feces, cigarette butts and other messes in our shared spaces. Teach your kids a lesson and work together to help clean a little piece of it up. Don’t forget to wear gloves and wash your hands! If you need a little literature to connect the dots for younger kids, check out the book All the Way to the Ocean by Joel Harper.

Leverage your grocery bill

If your frequent shopper club card at your store of choice is not already connected to a scrip program supporting your local schools or favorite nonprofit consider supporting the Georgetown Child Life program through the Giant Bonus Bucks program. The thought of spending the holidays away from home in a hospital is difficult for many of us to imagine, but for some it is a constant reality. Having a few toys around sounds like a good thing.

And if all else fails, just count birds

Seriously! You can join the Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy at their 13th annual Christmas Bird Count on December 27, 2009.

New Skate Park opens on Dec. 12, 2009 in South Riding

I just received this email from Loudoun County and thought I would share. My kids have always loved stopping to watch the skateboarders at the Catoctin Skate Park in Leesburg and are hoping to skate with the big kids someday soon. Maybe your kids feel the same way?

The Loudoun County Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Services and the South Riding Proprietary are pleased to announce the opening of the new Dulles South Skate Park on Saturday, December 12, 2009 at 1:00 p.m.

The skate facility represents a collaborative effort by the county and the homeowners’ association to provide safe recreational skateboarding opportunities for community youth. The original concept, presented to the public in August 2008, called for skate spots along a planned trail near the Dulles South Multipurpose Center. An alternative location adjacent to the center was later identified, which required only minimum site preparations, and a new design was created by SITE Design Group, Inc. of Solana Beach, California.

The 5,600 square-foot park accommodates skateboards, inline skates, and non-motorized scooters with concrete features including ramps, rails, stairs, stacked ledges, floating quarter pipes, and a pump bump.

Under a memorandum of understanding, the South Riding Proprietary assumed one hundred percent of the costs associated with construction of the skate area. California Skateparks from Upland, California was the general contractor on the project. The property is owned by the county, which will be responsible for the maintenance, operation, oversight, and administration of the facility.

The Dulles South Multipurpose Center is located at 24950 Riding Center Drive.

For more information, call 703-777-0343 or visit www.southriding.net.